A Revolutionary New Textbook Series
Interactive, customizable textbooks featuring a diversity of examples and the latest advances in music intelligenceMusic Theory Now, Volume One
Available Now!Artusi is proud to announce our newest online, interactive textbook! Years in the making, Music Theory Now: Volume One is the first in a series of textbooks designed to teach the Theory I–IV curriculum in a whole new way.
Immerse your students with interactive, engaging musical examples and exercises in four-part writing, counterpoint, form, and so much more.
Music Theory Now, Volume Two
Coming Spring 2025!Artusi’s Theory II textbook, Music Theory Now: Volume Two, will be released for use in spring 2025. Check back here soon for updates.

Interactive Music Fundamentals
Artusi’s Interactive Music Fundamentals is the world’s first interactive, fully customizable textbook for music theory—available online from any device.
With embedded video and audio examples emphasizing the diversity of music worldwide, Interactive Music Fundamentals enriches the learning experience by connecting musical concepts to real music from the very first page.
Interactive Aural Skills I
Introducing a revolution in aural skills education: a fully customizable, interactive aural skills textbook that you can use anywhere, anytime—right in your browser!
Students build skills in real time as they read, with interactive exercises interwoven throughout the text. As with all Artusi content, students receive instant feedback on their work.